Answered By: Sarah Cox
Last Updated: Mar 07, 2023     Views: 31

  • You can often open files from other word processors in Word.
  • Instead of double clicking on the file to open it, open Word first.
  • Click on File>Open.
  • Navigate to the location where the file is saved.
  • Where it says Files of Type, scroll through the list.  If you created the file in Works, WordPerfect or a previous version of Word (Word 97-2003), you can select the file type for these.  Otherwise, choose All Files.
  • Select the file and click on Open or press Enter.
  • If this is unsuccessful, you may have to go back to the computer where you created the file and choose Save As when you open it again.  Choose a file type of Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Text (.txt).  You may lose some of your formatting when you do this, particularly if you have to save as a .txt file.
  • If you have a Google Account, you also may be able to retrieve the file by opening it in Google Docs. From there you can resave or export the file into a different file type that may be more compatible.