You can often open files from other word processors in Word.
Instead of double clicking on the file to open it, open Word first.
Click on File>Open.
Navigate to the location where the file is saved.
Where it says Files of Type, scroll through the list. If you created the file in Works, WordPerfect or a previous version of Word (Word 97-2003), you can select the file type for these. Otherwise, choose All Files.
Select the file and click on Open or press Enter.
If this is unsuccessful, you may have to go back to the computer where you created the file and choose Save As when you open it again. Choose a file type of Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Text (.txt). You may lose some of your formatting when you do this, particularly if you have to save as a .txt file.
If you have a Google Account, you also may be able to retrieve the file by opening it in Google Docs. From there you can resave or export the file into a different file type that may be more compatible.