Answered By: Sarah Cox
Last Updated: Mar 14, 2023     Views: 43

  • Reserves are books, articles or other items that instructors set aside for students in their class to use.
  • Some of these materials cannot leave the library.  They are on Closed Reserve.  They can be checked out for in-library use only.
  • Others may be checked out of the library, but for a shorter period than regular items.  They are on Open Reserve. 
    • The amount of time they can be checked out for varies and is determined by the instructor.
    • Typically, open reserve items circulate for 1 - 3 days; sometimes for as long as 7 - 10 days.
  • You can check out reserve items at the circulation desk - your Brescia ID is required, even for Closed Reserve items.
  • To find reserve items, go to the online catalog and click on the Course Reserve link near the top of the page.
  • Limit the search by either Instructor name or by Course.
  • All reserve items are kept at the circulation desk on the main floor and can be checked out from there.